
Remind/Rewind: Jim's Birthday Party

Let the shitshow begin!

It was our good friend Jim's birthday (he's in The Hempsteadys & Past The Point, which used to be Blood Groove, for those of you out of the loop). We threw him an amazing surprise bash that started early and just kept going all night strong! I have never seen people drink this much!

Unfortunately, it was such a shit show, that we couldn't catch the bands properly, but let me be the first to officially say that I'm impressed with a fresh new batch of Hand Grenade Serenade songs (they even wrote one about the Oasis called "Black Hole"... our sentiments exactly!).

The American Infidels made a long-time-coming debut at the Oasis and And All Was Silent opened up the night. Can I just say how awesome those guys are? You may not like hardcore music or black tee shirts or big beards, but many of the hardcore guys that come through are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. And All Was Silent was no exception, and they knew how to party! The lead singer "motorboated" Stifler's mom! (You know who I'm talking about!) Then, he came inside, rang the Oasis bell, downed a few shots, yacked his brains out and left. Now, that's hardcore!

You will not see all this in the video below, but you will see a "Hardcore Decorating" session and Frank Lo really going to town with that Bill Cosby impersonation!

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Remind/Rewind: HYPE!

Warning: Video contains a LOT of Murray-giggling

So, yes, it's been a bit of a crazy weekend. A "shit show" to be exact. We here at the Oasis have had a blast with all of you who came out this past weekend. How could we not? It started off with a BANG! Actually, it started off with a HYPE!

Thursday night saw the debut of the HYPE! Dance Party featuring our friends - the Guinness-swilling Swagger Jackers! What a party they threw - sweet tunes, mad ladies and a legit lightning scheme that made our mouths water.

At one point, we were thoroughly confused with the girl-to-guy ratio being anywhere above 1 to 45! If you live in or around New London, you may well know that this town is a sausage party on the regular... but on Thursday, there was about as much sausage as you'd see at a PETA meeting!

The Swagger Jackers will be back next month on Thursday, May 21st and they've already claimed to have many more tricks up their sleeve! In the meantime, you can hear the entire live set of HYPE! and subscribe to the Swaggcast (for free!) at:


And check out more photos from John @ Primitive Machine here:


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You would think with all the artists we hang out with, we would have a better graphic than this...

This weekend was a total shitshow. Again. Sorry we haven't been posting, we've been a little busy with drinks and hangovers and kickball and stuff. Adam's working on the video from HYPE!, Jims Birthday, Saturday, and the 4/20 Ukefest as I write, so don't think we forgot.
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HYPE! Dance Party debuts this Thursday!

In other news, misplaced exclamation points are cool! again

This Thursday will see the debut of a new night here at the Oasis... HYPE! It's a monthly dance party hosted by brothers Aaron and Justin Briggs, otherwise known as The Swagger Jackers. We'll let them tell you what it's all about:

"Aaron + Justin are kicking off their new monthly dance party HYPE! on April 16, 2009. We have a lot planned for this dope event, so mark your calenders! Hopefully we can work out some drink specials to get everyone in the dancing mood!

As usual we will be recording a podcast, but we are working on getting some visual entertainment to go along with the audio stimulation. Poses will be struck, photos will be shot.

HYPE! will be the 3rd Thursday of every month, so get used to it!


Music Policy: Obviously there will be a heavy electronic influence, but you can expect to hear tinges of indie rock, funk, pop and hip hop as well. Lots of remixes and bootlegs will be thrown into the mix, something for everyone - as long as it makes people dance!"

You can listen to Swaggcast, The Swagger Jackers' podcast here:

And, you can subscribe to the Swaggcast (for free!) on iTunes:
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Sean Patrick Murray

Remind/Rewind: The Chinese Stars | Brava Spectre | Awesome Brothers

What a Sunday! Easter turned New London into a ghost town for the day, but at 9:30 the bar filled up for a sweet show featuring The Chinese Stars, Awesome Brothers, and Brava Spectre.

Thanks to John from Primitive Machine for the sweet picture. Check out his stuff sometime!

Awesome Brothers, the team responsible for the awesome new Chinese Stars video kicked the night off, entertaining everyone with their unique music/video show.

We were finally able to capture the elusive Brava Spectre on video, no small feat.

The Chinese Stars finished the night with a sick set that included lots of new songs and some old favorites. Unfortunately, the gas station sold us fake Duracells (we could tell by the pink bunny; wrong mascot) and the camera died in beginning of the set. This shit is good, but the end was insane.

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One Year Ago...

Our good friend, Phil "Royale" Agins passed away one year ago today. He was an incredible talent that left this world too soon. As the guitarist for the much-lauded Royale Brothers, Phil played his first show with the band here at the Oasis... and his last. We here at the club were devastated - as were most people who knew him - and for a year now have proudly displayed Phil's guitar above the bar.

Please remember Phil Agins today and keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.
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Sean Patrick Murray

Remind/Rewind: Quiet Life Party

We threw a little dress-up party for our friends Quiet Life, who left New London 4 months ago for the left coast. We were all pretty hungover from Gina's birthday party the night before, but we managed to put together a little video "miss you" card, New London style. All the ladies miss you and all the haters are hatin'. What's new? Did you love us Quiet Life? Did you?

In other Quiet Life news, the rumor is circulating that the boys may be back for Sailfest, and if so, in what juncture? We will let you know as soon as we find out any details.

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This Just In: Cut Off Your Hands | Tim Easton | Pretty & Nice | Middle Distance Runner

New Zealand indie rockers Cut Off Your Hands will perform at the Oasis on Thursday night April 30th, making them officially the most geographically-distant band we've ever had here at the O. (The record was The Twilight Sad from Glasgow, Scotland!) These guys have performed with the likes of Ra Ra Riot, Bloc Party, The Datsuns, We Are Scientists, Ratatat and The Wombats. Opening acts will be announced soon.


Our dear friend Tim Easton will return to the Oasis for the first time in over two years to perform songs from his new album, Porcupine, on Saturday, May 9th. The last time Tim performed, the place was jam-packed and Tim held his own along with New London heavyweights The Paul Brockett Roadshow and Sean Spellman of Quiet Life. This time around, Tim will perform (full band intact this time!) and will share the stage again with The PBR Band! Needless to say, we're thrilled! If you are a fan of alt-country, y'allternative or whatever you wanna call it, this is the show for you!


Sub Pop Records signees Pretty & Nice will make their first ever appearance in New London on Saturday, June 6th here at the Oasis. We've been spinning their first single "Tora Tora Tora" like crazy here! The Boston trio will be joined by DC's own Middle Distance Runner. These guys have been getting major underground buzz for a couple years now, so it would be no surprise to see these guys blow up fairly soon. The press comparisons to Blur definitely don't hurt either! More exciting details coming soon about this show!
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Remind/Rewind: Gina Kent's Birthday Party w/ Fatal Film | Private Dancer | Bedroom Rehab Corporation | Brava Spectre

What a crazy night! Lots of people, lots of drinking, lots of fun. Gina Kent's birthday party was a blast-and-a-half! If you don't happen to know Gina, she's an awesome friend of ours from Minneapolis. She's originally from New London and was a big part of the New London music scene, playing with various bands, but most importantly, the incredible Three Dollar Depth Charge (which also featured Meghan of Wailing City, PBR Band and Bedroom Rehab Corporation).

Bedroom Rehab Corporation started the night off right with a power set to celebrate the release of their new EP. The early birds were loving this set, with the phrase "best two-piece in New London" being thrown around like Blagojevich in the media! Be sure to pick up a copy of the homemade EP, which features artwork by our friend Roberta Sulls!

Next up was Private Dancer from Minneapolis who impressed the picky New London crowd. The boys ended their set with a loud rendition of The Contours "Do You Love Me."

Local favorites Fatal Film whipped the crowd into a frenzy playing an extended set to give Brava Spectre enough time to make it back from Amherst, where they had played with The Chinese Stars earlier in the night. Unfortunately for you, Brava Spectre rocks too hard for the mic on this camera, but you can catch them again tomorrow night at The Oasis with the Chinese Stars for a special Easter show.

After we finally got everybody out of the bar, it was time for the after-party at Fatal Film frontman Matt Potter's apartment. The video's a little dark, but you can make out Tony and Brian discussing zombie survival tactics, Sean Murray hating the camera, and someone telling the most tasteless joke we've heard in a while.

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WTF: Why is Sean Murray so Gay?

In March, we decided to throw a monthly theme party, with the debut theme party being an "I Love New London" and "I Hate New London" party weekend.

Aside from hilarious outfits (see Chum & Frank Lo's cruise ship tourist outfits!), there were many drunken moments that Adam & Brittany thought would be perfect to catch on camera.

Murray's drunken shenanigans. Brad's crazy dancing. Brittany's shit-talking. Kelsie's onstage shoutouts. Adam's scotch habit. Chad's sweet moves. Chum's Blue Blockers. Frank Lo on the down low. A highlight reel from the I Hate New London Party. Priceless.

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"Quiet Life Party" this Saturday!

Yes, we miss our dear friends Quiet Life and hope that all is well for them in California. Doesn't mean we can't poke a little fun though, eh? With that in mind, the Oasis presents its 2nd monthly theme party, the Quiet Life party, this Saturday night!

The theme is simple - come dressed up as a member of Quiet Life. If you're fairly new to town and don't know Quiet Life, come dressed as My Morning Jacket... close enough! Let's just say the flannel department at Salvation Army will be nearly cleaned out by the time we're done! Also, points for making your own "Springsteen For President" tee shirt!

There will be a faux video booth set up for everyone that wants to leave the Quiet Life boys a message. We will be sending the guys photos and videos of the event. The Quiet Life Party is this Saturday night at the Oasis, starting at 10pm. Don't get too drunk. The Chinese Stars perform the next night!

Stay tuned here for exclusive news about Quiet Life coming back in just a few months!
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WTF: Bobby Crash on Taco Bell

Lo-Fi Radiostar Bobby Crash swung by the Oasis on Sunday night. Amidst a flurry of "EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"s that Bobby was yelping all night, we managed to get some footage of Bobby discussing Taco Bell.

If you can't seem to understand the first minute or so of this rant, feel free to fast forward to the halfway mark of this video, where our friend and resident DJ Chum the Skrilla Guerrilla provides captions.

Thanks to Chum for the footage and to Frank Lo and Chad for the accompanying banter. And, of course, thanks to Bobby Crash for simply being Bobby Crash!

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Free exclusive mixtape @ Fuck Yo' Couch this Wednesday!

Oasis resident DJ / sneaker aficionado / Bill Cosby impersonator Frank Lo has decided to give out copies of "the best mixtape he's ever made" - an unreleased mix he made in 2004 titled Soul Kitchen - this Wednesday, April 8th at Fuck Yo' Couch Ol' School Hip Hop Night at the Oasis.

FYC is a weekly ol'school hip hop DJ residency featuring MUSE owner Frank Lo and "The Cropduster" DJ Chum. It is a free event every Wednesday night here at the Oasis. And, no, don't you dare request Lil' Wayne you fool!
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Welcome to the new Oasis blog!

There's just too much stuff going on here at the Oasis, so we figured it was time to share all of it with you! New show announcements, hilarious candid photos and video footage of Oasis patrons gettin' wild, live performance footage, new artist previews and much more!

Keep it locked on this site for posts by all of the staff at the Oasis and some of our colleagues as well. There will be more added to this site soon, as well, including the weekly photo of our current 90s Music Video Trivia champion and staff music picks.

You can comment on any post here which, we figure, will make for some interesting post-event banter such as "Oh my God, I don't remember doing that!" or "Who
was that creepy guy last night?" or "Wow! That sailor outfit was totally ridiculous!" You get the idea! So bookmark this page and come back to visit often, as all of us will be blogging here and there!
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